Hey, I'm Kyaw
Fullstack Developer.

Hey!, I'm Kyaw, Experienced TypeScript full-stack developer from Portsmouth with 2 years of experience in React, Next, Node.js with MongoDB and Postgres . Ready to build innovative web applications and always putting out creative solutions to problems. Stepping into the world of Machine Learning and planning to start building my own Tic-Tac-Toe Tensorflow model.

My main focus right now is building my own startup which involved advanced machine learning recommendation algorithm, currently in the phase of business research and project analysis.

When I’m not at the computer, I’m usually playing football, reading books, watching movies, relaxing at the beach thinking about the next big thing.


Dec 2023 - Present

Entrepreneur - Academic Adventures

I'm currently working on a startup that aims to help international students find best way to meet their academic goals and dreams. I'm responsible for designing and developing the entire product from scratch. Currently in the phase of business research and product analysis
Early Stage Startup NextJS NestJS OpenAI-GPT Tensorflow
Jun 2022 - Present

Web Developer - T.K. Graphics

Delivered right quality, robust production code for diverse array of projects using PHP-Laravel and ReactJS.
PHP Laravel ReactJS EPace API
Jun 2022 - Present

Software Engineer - Freelance

Designed, developed and shipped production code for multiple clients using PHP Laravel, NextJS and NestJS
TypeScript NextJS NestJS OpenAI-GPT
Mar - Dec 2023

Software Engineer - CampusLyfe

Designed and developed a system for managing customer's orders and processing payment securely. Collaborated with a other student software engineer to build a robust and sable frontend system using NextJS and Tailwind CSS
TypeScript NextJS Tailwind CSS Payment Processing


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A Portfolio website for showcasing my experiences and other innovative projects.

NextJS Vercel
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An simple E-Commerce website where you can test out the database CRUD operations, order managements and payment processing system.

NextJS Vercel MongoDB Stripe SendGrid
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Chat App

A real-time chat application for friends and family to stay connected

NextJS MongoDB Real-time
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OpenAI GPT Recommendation Algorithm

A recommendation algorithm that uses OpenAI GPT and function calling feature to get a realtime recommendation system based on user's previous preferences

OpenAI Recommendation System OpenAI Function Calling NestJS Node
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Web Scrapper

Easy to use and simple web scrapper that scrapes the data from the website and returns the data in JSON format

Web Scrapper Puppeteer NestJS
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Cloud Vault

The only place to store your sensitive files and data securely, and access them just by having an email, no password required.

Cloud Storage AWS CloudFlare Magic Link
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Markdown Parser

A powerful Markdown editor and parser built using Next.js, leveraging SCSS for styling and the Monaco Editor for an enhanced editing experience.

Markdown Parsing Monaco Editor Syntax Parsing NextJs

Interested in collaborating with me?

I'm always open to discussing product design work or partnership opportunities.